8 years ago, my mom passed away after a short illness. To commemorate her passing, I took time to reflect on everything she taught me.
Although she didn’t realise it at the time, the lessons she taught me instilled the values that shaped my life and made me the entrepreneur I am today.
Here are 8 of them:
1. Build good habits and stay true to your values. Good discipline is what paves the way for future success.
2. Your legacy is built on what you give away, not what you keep. And the most valuable gift you can give is your time. Always make time for others.
3. Be frugal. Never take anything for granted. It can all be taken away in an instant.
4. Be respectful of those who made you. You wouldn’t be here without them. Your family, your team, your customers. You owe them everything.
5. Listen. Be curious. Ask questions. But only give your opinion when you have all the facts.
6. Your mess is yours to own. Take responsibility then take action. Don’t blame others for your situation.
7. Don’t be afraid to punch above your weight. That’s when opportunities open up.
8. Get what you want by finding out what other people need. This applies to bridge (which my mom loved), business, and any form of negotiation.
Thanks for everything, mom. ❤️
— GH